Terms and conditions
2. USERS: Access and/or use of this Dipneo portal attributes the condition of USER, who accepts, from this access and/or use, the General Terms and Conditions of Use reflected here. The aforementioned terms and conditions will be applicable regardless of the General Contracting Conditions that, if applicable, are mandatory.
3. USE OF THE PORTAL: www.dipneo.life provides access to information and services (hereinafter, “the contents”) on the Internet belonging to Dipneo and its licensors to which the USER may have access. The USER assumes responsibility for the use of the portal. This responsibility extends to the registration that is necessary to access certain services or content. In this registration, the USER will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information. As a result of this registration, the USER may be provided with a password for which they will be responsible, committing to diligent and confidential use. The USER undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services that Dipneo offers through its portal and, by way of example but not limited to, not to use them to (AND) engage in illicit, illegal or contrary activities to good faith and public order; (II) disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, advocating terrorism or violating human rights; (III) cause damage to the physical and logical systems of Dipneo, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems on the network that are likely to cause the aforementioned damages; (IV) attempt to access and, where appropriate, use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.
5. INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY: Dipneo, per se or as an assignee, is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of the new website, together with the elements that I mentioned (by way of statements, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; brands or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, accessories and uses, etc.), holder of Dipneo or bé of the various licensors. All reserved drets. Pursuant to what is provided for in articles 8 and 32.1, paragraph 2, of the Intellectual Property Law, reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the mode of posting at the disposal of the totality, are expressly prohibited. o part of the continguts of this website, with commercial finalities, in any support and for any technical mitjà, without the Dipneo authorization.
User and liability regime.
The navigation, access and use of the Dipneo website confers the conditions of the user, for which they are accepted, from the navigation of the Dipneo website, all the conditions of your use here are established without prejudice to the application of the corresponding normative legal obligation according to the case. The Dipneo website provides great diversity of information, services and information. The user assumes responsibility for the correct use of the website.
This responsibility will be:
· The veracity and legality of the information provided by the user in the forms provided by Dipneo to access the certs continguts or serve offers on the website.
· The use of information, serves and offers by Dipneo contrary to the one who is disposed by the present conditions, the Law, the morality, the bons customs or the public order, or that in any other way may suspect harm of the rights from third parties or from the mateix functioning of the lloc web. Enrollment policy and exemptions from liability.
· Dipneo is not responsible for the contingut of the web logs that the user may access through the links established on the web log and declares that in each case it will proceed to examine or exercise a measure of control over the contingut of the other logs. of the xarxa. However, it will also not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of any information other than its owners which may be accessed through the links.
· Dipneo declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures to avoid any harm to users of its website, which may arise from navigation on its website. Consequently, Dipneo is not responsible, in any case, for any possible damages that users may experience while browsing the Internet.
Dipneo reserves the right to make any modifications it considers appropriate, without prior notice, in the context of its website. Tant referent als continguts del lloc web, com en les conditions d’us d’aquest. These modifications may be made through the website in any manner that is admissible online and will be mandatory during the time in which they are published on the website and for purposes that do not follow valid modifications for other purposes.
Data protection
In accordance with what is established in the current regulations on the Protection of Personal Data, the information that the seves data will be incorporated into the ownership treatment system of Dipneo, with the aim of being able to facilitate, expedite and fulfill the established commitments between totes dues parts. In compliance with the current regulations, Dipneo informs that the data will be kept for the period strictly necessary to comply with the precepts established above. Dipneo informs that it will proceed to process the data in a lawful, legal, transparent, adequate, pertinent, limited, exact and up-to-date manner. It is for this reason that Dipneo is committed to adopting all reasonable measures so that these are suppressed or rectified without delay if they are still inaccurate. In accordance with the rights conferred by the current regulations on data protection, you may exercise the rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, suppression, portability and opposition to the processing of personal rights along with the consent provided. To process these requests, please send your request to the postal address indicated above or to the email address info@dipneo.life. You may contact the competent Control Authority to present the claim you consider appropriate.
Intellectual and industrial property
Dipneo per se material or as a transferee, is the holder of all intellectual and industrial property rights of the seva website, així with the elements continguts in the material (a titol enunciatiu, images, so, audio, video, programming or texts; brands or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, accessories and uses, etc.), owner of Dipneo. They will, therefore, be works protected with intellectual property by the Spanish legal order, applicable to both the Spanish and community regulations in this field, with the international treaties related to the matter and subscribed by Spain.
All reserved drets. By virtue of what is provided for in the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the mode of availability, of the totality or part of the continguts of this website are expressly prohibited, with commercial finalities, in any support and for any technical mitjà, without the Dipneo authorization.
The user is committed to respecting the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of Dipneo. You will be able to view the elements of the portal and to print them, copy them and save them on the hard drive of your computer or on any other physical support always, solely and exclusively, for your personal and private use. The user must refrain from deleting, altering, circumventing or manipulating any protection device or security system that you have installed on the Dipneo pages. Legal actions, applicable legislation and jurisdiction.
Dipneo reserves, however, the power to present civil or criminal actions that it considers appropriate for the improper use of its website and its contingencies, or for non-compliance with these conditions.
The relationship between the user and the provider is governed by the regulations in force and application in the Spanish territory. If any dispute arises, the parties may submit their disputes to arbitration or resort to ordinary jurisdiction in accordance with the rules on jurisdiction and competence on this matter. Dipneo at your home on Pl Pau Vila 1, Floor 2, sector 2C 08039 Barcelona.
In accordance with what is established in the current regulations on the Protection of Personal Data (RGPD) and the Law 34/2002, dated July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI- CE), Dipneo informs users that they have proceeded to create a profile on the Social Networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, Google +, with the main purpose of advertising their products and services. Dipneo Rates:
· CIF: x
· EMAIL: info@dipneo.life
· ADREÇA: Pl Pau Vila 1, Floor 2, sector 2C 08039 Barcelona
· WEB DOMAIN: www.dipneo.life
The user has a profile in the Social Network and has decided to join the page created by Dipneo, showing interest in the information that is advertised in the Network. By joining our page, you facilitate your consent to the processing of those personal details published in your profile. Users can access the privacy policies of the Social Network at any time, and also configure their profile to guarantee privacy.
Dipneo accesses and retrieves the user’s public information, especially the user’s contact name. These details are only used by the Social Archive itself. They are not incorporated into cap fitxer.
In relation to the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, which you have and which may be exercised by Dipneo, in accordance with the LOPD, you must take into account the following points:
· Access: Vindrà defines the functionality of the Social Network and the ability to access information on user profiles.
· Rectification: You will only be able to satisfy yourself in relation to that information that is trobi under the control of Dipneo, for example, eliminate comments published on the page itself. Normally, this last hour of exercise is given by the Social Network.
· Cancellation and/or Opposition: As in the previous case, you will only be able to satisfy yourself in relation to that information that is lost under the control of Dipneo, for example, leave the status unit to the profile.
Dipneo will perform the following actions:
· Access to public profile information.
· Publication in the user profile of all the information already published on the Dipneo page.
· Send personal and individual messages through the Social Network channels. Updates to the status of the page that is published in the user’s profile.
· The user can always control the six connections, eliminate the continguts that define interest and restrict those who share the six connections, so as to allow time to access the new privacy settings.
The user, once on the Dipneo page, will be able to publish on this last page comments, links, images or photographs or any other type of multimedia content supported by the Social Network. The user, in all cases, must be the owner of these claims, have the rights of author and intellectual property or have the consent of the third parties affected. It is expressly prohibited to publish any publication on the page, including texts, graphics, photographs, videos, etc. that attempt or continue to be liable to attempt against morality, ethics, good taste or decorum, and/or that infringe, violate or infringe the rights of intellectual or industrial property, the rights to image or the Law . In these cases, Dipneo reserves the right to immediately withdraw the contingut, and can request a permanent user block.
Dipneo is not responsible for the contingencies that a user has posted.
The user must keep in mind that the six publications will be related to other users, so the user is the main person responsible for privacy.
The images that may be published on the page will not be published in Cap Fitxer by Dipneo, but they will appear in the Social Archive.
Contests and promotions
Dipneo reserves the right to carry out contests and promotions, in which users can participate on the next page. The basis of each report, as used to support the Social Network platform, will be published therein. Always comply with the LSSI-CE and any other standard that remains applicable. La Xarxa Social does not sponsor, endorse or administer, in any way, any of our promotions, nor is it associated with any of them. Advertising Dipneo will use the Social Network to advertise its products and services, in all cases, if it decides to treat the contact details to carry out direct commercial prospecting actions, it will always be in compliance with the legal requirements of the LOPD and the LSSI-CE. Recommending the Dipneo page to other users so that they can also enjoy the promotions or be informed of its activity will not be considered advertising.
Below we detail the link to the privacy policy of the Social Network:
· Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/323540651073243/
· Twitter: https://twitter.com/privacy
· Instagram: http://instagram.com/about/legal/privacy/
· Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?trk=hb_ft_priv